I was advised that there would be a lag and also encouraged to accept this as normal! I had him view my screen and he saw the lag of 20- 40 seconds for a 1cm (on screen) mask edit of a low res Jpeg image. I have spent the best part of 2 hours today on line to an Adobe support rep.
One of the workarounds was to go back to the 2015 edition. I ended up reading similar entries on this forum last night and came to realise that there appear to be a number of issues with the 2017 edition. PS would not complete the edit and simply showed the wheel of death. I was frustrated from the start regarding what appeared to be my total lack of ability to lay a mask over an image and then reduce/refine the edges with the brush tools. I have had the same issues since purchasing subscription to PS 2017 (4 days ago). My computer is less than 12 months old, runs on Windows 10 64 bit, has intel i7 processor and a AMD Radon R9 Fury graphics card. Before I start could I just say that I have a very basic understanding of computers.